Bronze, Silver and Gold level NNAS
Personal performance, non-competitive, incentive scheme for all ages to learn navigation skills and gain confidence to get out and enjoy the countryside.
The National Navigation Award Scheme is for those that want nationally accredited recognition for their map reading prowess! Learn essential map reading skills, develop navigation confidence and strategies, progressing through the award scheme levels. A rewarding and fun way to learn how to use a map and compass.
Beginners start at the NNAS bronze to confidently navigate tracks and paths using a map and compass. Those looking to improve intermediate skills can start at NNAS silver to navigate more open countryside sometimes away from main tracks and paths, finer details map reading and further compass techniques. NNAS gold is for those who want to navigate UK hills and mountains using precise navigation strategies, precision map and compass skills and by utilising contour information.
Bronze and Silver training and assessment courses are around 12 hours in total (two day course for each level). Group sizes are only around 6 people and are taught a pleasant 'learning pace' for people to comfortably learn skills.
All map reading equipment is provided - Proper maps and quality compasses are provided for the course. You just need to bring food, drink and yourself!
Course joining details are sent a couple of weeks before the course start date. Most courses will start in the Martin/New Forest area with public transport friendly options throughout the year.
All weather fun - Bronze level courses takes place mostly on surfaced tracks in the New Forest and better paths and rights of way elsewhere. Some courses take place in the muddy 'season' so wear warm cloths, an extra layer and walking boots and come to enjoy the course at any time of the year.
Each course level is officially acknowledged by a National Navigation Award Scheme certificate. The NNAS scheme is highly regarded by many organisations as a quality assured standard.
The National Navigation Award Scheme silver can be delivered as a 3-day course for those that have not completed bronze. All NNAS levels can be delivred on a bespoke basis to small groups, couples and individuals. The NNAS bronze is a fantastic group or team learning adventure that can be tailored to suit YOU!
Read the syllabus for the Bronze, Silver and Gold level National Navigation Award Scheme
Silver NNAS - New Forest
Silver National Navigation Award Scheme in the North West New Forest
Two day or three day course - Silver NNAS
28 February - optional extra pre-day
1 & 2 March Silver NNAS
Ideally candidates will have completed the Bronze NNAS or equivalent.
Confirmed date you can book and pay a deposit to reserve a place on this course this course
Silver NNAS - Brecon Beacons 2025
Silver National Navigation Award Scheme in the South Wales
This silver course runs alongside the hill and mountain course. You will learn how to start navigating on UK hills and mountains using silver level techniques.
Confirmed date you can book and pay a deposit to reserve a place on this course
Gold NNAS - South Wales 2025
Gold National Navigation Award Scheme course in South Wales
Friday pre-day is chance to brush up on skills, acclimatise to hills and mountains and take some lowland Silver skills to the open mountains.
You can pay a deposit to reserve this course
Check out the 'latest information' for details of the next few courses, places left and what you need to to do to reserve a place or book onto that courses date or use the course calendar to every date and options to filter by course name.
Go to the courses date calendar page to see every course date, places remaining and if you can pay in full or pay a deposit to secure a place.
If you need further information then use the contact form or securemail to find out more.
Complete the course booking form when you are ready to book.
You can choose to pay now using PayPal to securely process a credit or debit card or request an invoice with further payment details.
On the course payment page you can also use the link to 'Stripe' payment service, a payment service that is an alternative to PayPal to process your card.
Latest National Navigation Award Scheme courses information
Next few courses you can book TODAY....
Bronze National Navigation Award Scheme - Central New Forest
Suitable for complete beginners that want to learn how to use a map and compass.
You can book this course
Bronze National Navigation Award Scheme - Central New Forest
Suitable for complete beginners that want to learn how to use a map and compass.
You can book this course
Bronze National Navigation Award Scheme - Martin Down - Cranborne Chase area Suitable for complete beginners that want to learn how to use a map and compass.
You can book this course
Bronze National Navigation Award Scheme - Martin Down - Cranborne Chase area Suitable for complete beginners that want to learn how to use a map and compass.
You can book this course
Bronze National Navigation Award Scheme - Marlborough area
Suitable for complete beginners that want to learn how to use a map and compass.
You can pay a deposit to reserve a place on this course
National Navigation Award Scheme courses
Course - Name & Location | Date/s 2025 |
Silver National Navigation Award Scheme - BOOK ME - just two places left | 1 & 2 March |
Two day map reading and/or Bronze NNAS - New Forest | 8 & 9 March |
One day map reading - New Forest | 22 March |
Two day map reading and/or Bronze NNAS - New Forest | 22 & 23 March |
Two day map reading and/or Bronze NNAS - Martin Down - Cranborne Chase | 3 & 4 April |
One day map reading - Martin Down - Cranborne Chase | 5 April |
Two day map reading and/or Bronze NNAS - Martin Down - Cranborne Chase | 5 & 6 April |
One day map reading - Martin Down - Cranborne Chase | 10 May |
Two day map reading and/or Bronze NNAS - Martin Down - Cranborne Chase | 10 & 11 May |
Silver National Navigation Award Scheme - South Wales | 17 & 18 May |
Hill and Mountain Naviagtion (and/or Silver NNAS) | 17 & 18 May |
One day map reading - Marlborough area | 22 May (Thurs) |
Two day map reading and/or Bronze NNAS - Marlborough area | 22 & 23 May (Thurs/Friday) |
One day map reading - South Downs | 5 June (Thurs) |
Two day map reading and/or Bronze NNAS - South Downs | 5 & 6 June (Thurs/Friday) |
One day map reading - Martin Down - Cranborne Chase | 21 June |
Two day map reading and/or Bronze NNAS - Martin Down - Cranborne Chase | 21 & 22 June |
Gold National Navigation Award Scheme - South Wales | 11 & 12 October |
The New Forest is ideal for bronze and silver level National Navigation Award Scheme courses. The forest offers a massive variety and number of tracks, paths and forest rides; the more open heathland and fainter forest paths are excellent to try out and test map, compass and fine navigation techniques.
Bronze level NNAS Navigation in the countryside using paths tracks and other linear features, basic map interpretation and compass work is included. Read all the National Navigation Award Scheme Bronze level learning outcomes  Silver level NNAS Navigation in the countryside using skills acquired at bronze level and adding skills required to navigate to features and places some distance from paths and tracks, accurate compass work is required and an ability to use appropriate navigational techniques to go across country in some cases. Read all the National Navigation Award Scheme Silver level learning outcomes  Gold level training NNAS Navigation in the countryside using skills of the first two levels, but adding techniques and skills for dealing with complex contour features large and small. The Gold Award is delivered as separate Gold Award Training and Gold Award Assessment courses. Gold level courses take place on Dartmoor or South Wales. Read all the National Navigation Award Scheme Gold level learning outcomes
Gold course format and details The Gold NNAS course will be held over 2 days in Wales. The actual course length will be around 14 hours with a longer first day and shorter second day. Each day will involve up to 10-16km of walking on sometimes rough open moorland without tracks or paths. You won't need to be super fit or an already experienced mountain walker. A willingness to learn new skills in a fantastic and challenging environment is all you need! Each day will be spent on Welsh hills and mountains with the likely hood of experiencing mountain weather! Participants will need to suitably equip and prepared to learn in all conditions. Part of the course will be about coping with and navigating in a variety of weather conditions, but it might just be sunny! If you have some, but rusty map reading and compass experience then book the three day gold which has a pre course day session where you will be able to revise and refresh mountain techniques, contours etc. Read the Gold NNAS learning outcomes to get and idea of what you will learn.  Quality tuition with equipment included The course fee includes over 12-14 hours of quality tuition, informal assessment and ALL equipment required. Participants receive an official NNAS certificate at the end of the course after successfully completing the assessment. Gold level training course participants will get a personal improvement plan to ready themselves for gold level assessment that takes place at a later date.
Flexible course options NNAS courses can be taught over two separate days/week ends or midweek to couples, groups and on a one to one basis. Three day direct entry courses for Silver and Gold level can also be arranged.  NNAS accredited New Forest Navigation is accredited by the National Navigation Award Scheme (NNAS) to train and asses Bronze and Silver awards and to provide Gold training and assesment.
Day one (one day) map reading courses start usually from from Wilverley Plain car park, Anderwood car park, Standing Hat car parks in the New Forest. Day two map reading courses usually start from Fritham car park in the New Forest.
You can view and check directions to all map reading course start locations on the course locations and directions page here.
Wilverley Plain, Anderwood and Standing Hat car parks are very close to the new forest villages of Brockenhurst, Burley, Lyndhurst and not far from Lymington and Christchurch. Fritham can be reached easily from the A31/M271 junction at Cadnam and is also easily reached from villages in the New Forest. If you are coming from further a field they all very central and easily reached from Christchurch and Bournemouth to the south west, Salisbury and Wiltshire area to the north and from Hampshire, Surrey or London using the main road network. Do allow enough time to travel across the forest and download or check directions before you come!
New Forest Navigation map reading courses start from New Forest car parks that are all easily reached by car from New Forest villages and surrounding towns and main transport links and road network for those coming across Hampshire from London or South East or West England.
Wiltshire map reading courses start close to Marlborough using countryside car parks at Fyfield Downs, West Woods and Savernake Forest. Marlborough map reading course locations and information
One and two day map reading courses can also be arranged to start from the centre of Brockenhurst, Lyndhurst or Ashurst railway station, Burley village and locations to the west of the New Forest closer to Ringwood and Fordingbridge. A lift can be arranged if you arrive public transport or are using public transport to travel within the forest.
NNAS privacy policy and data sharing with NNAS (JustGo CMS)
Candidates who book on any National Navigation Award Scheme course are agreeing for personal data to be shared with the NNAS and entered onto the NNAS candidate management system 'JustGo CMS' (a candidate management system known as JUST GO as licences by NNAS from Azolve Limited).
Every NNAS candidate will need to agree to share an email address, date of birth, postal address so that a Just Go account can be set up for the purpose of registering them onto the award scheme.
Nigel Parrish (New Forest Navigation) manages and processes personal data in accordance with the 'General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 and is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office as 'Organisation name: Mr Nigel Parrish Reference: ZA791510' (renewed annually end of 09/202**)
You can read full the privacy notice for Nigel Parrish - t/a New Forest Navigation on the website here
You can read the NNAS full privacy policy on [NNAS website here](